Growing up as an introspective child observing social situations, more than starring in them, I became deeply curious about intrapersonal relationships and the implications of personal identity. My work examines identity and relationships by looking into people’s pasts through symbols. The objects being held embody nostalgia for the individuals holding them. Through layering, building textures, scraping, scratching, and blending the drawings were developed in detail to replicate the vividness of memory that invisibly ties us to our former selves. I believe our former selves are carried within us, continually influencing our lives. When certain parts of the past go unresolved, they become potential blocks in making connections with others, which is problematic. Brené Brown explained the importance of connection saying, “We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering” (8). My goal is to give others a platform to share, connect with others, and achieve peace with the past. The vulnerability shown by those represented in the work allows for strong and meaningful connections to be made between viewers and the figures.
Brené Brown. Daring Greatly. Gotham Books, 2012. (287 pages)